Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Training Ferrets - Domestic and Friendly

Although they have become more popular over the years, ferrets are not your typical pet and many people think these exotic creatures are more like wild animals than companion pets. While they may look like they belong in the woods instead of in your living room, the ferrets you buy in the pet store are really quite domesticated and can be trained to do many things.

Even though ferrets are strong willed they are also very intelligent and can be easy to train. As long as you use patience and consistency, you can train any ferret. Just like with any pet, you need to adapt your training techniques to the specific personality of the ferret, but there are some basic ferret training tips to follow.

The best way to train a ferret is to use positive reinforcement. This form of training allows you to shape the behavior that you desire by giving them a positive reward when they perform a specific behavior. At first, you should reward them for behavior that is close to the desired behavior and then gradually work to exact behavior. The most effective reward for this training is food and treats are good as long as they are giving in small amounts. Positive reinforcement is much better for training than punishment since you will teach them what you want them to do rather than something you don’t want them to do.

If the ferret does something you don’t want them to do then the best thing to do is take your attention away from them. This way the ferret doesn’t get attention for doing some sort of bad behavior. The reason for this is that for some animals any attention is good attention even if you are angry with them. Therefore, if you must punish your ferret for bad behavior then a time out may be the best option. Never hit or yell at your ferret for doing something bad.

These ferret training tips can work for the large issues such as litter box training and training your ferret not to nip while playing. However, at the same time these training tips can be used for smaller things such as simple tricks and how to walk on a leash. Regardless of what you are, training your ferret to do always remember that persistence, patient and consistency is the key.

Your pet ferret can be trained to do the necessities like using a litter box and walking on a leash, but he can also be trained to do tricks if you want to take the time. You can train him to stand up and even to stay on your shoulder without trying to run down every time he sees something that catches his interest.

When starting a training program for your ferret, it’s probably best to start with the simple things like litter box training and you can eventually move on to bigger and better tricks - use your imagination and you will have a great time bonding with your pet.

Safety Products For Pets

There are a large variety of products available for pets in every price range to suit all budgets. Most animal lovers like to ensure that their pets have the best of everything, and pet care companies try to meet every possible need.

One has come up with an innovative idea of organic beds, upward of $70.00; these are filled with organic cotton, are soft and comfortable, and come with washable zipped covers in a wide range of colors. They come in standard and large sizes.

There are a wide range of leashes and collars, ranging from $13 to $20. They come in different styles to meet every pet owner's tastes. Some are made with material like hemp, one of the strongest fibers Mother Nature has provided, and this comes with the unique ability of becoming softer with every use without losing its strength and durability. These items are machine washable and long lasting. They take into account the minutest details, like the size of the loop for the owner's hand, softness to ensure there are no calluses, distinctive tags, buckles for the fashion-conscious owner, etc.

As for the health of the pets, there is a wide variety of products available to meet all heath-related problems. Glucosamine is a medication that supports joint function and connective tissue. It is a dietary supplement commonly used to combat degenerative joint-related ailments such as Osteoarthritis, Osteochondrosis, and Hip Dysphasia.

Also available is an Herbal Arthritis Formula that relieves pain and stiffness problems in animals. They are tailored to suit various diseases. You can also buy herbal preparations for specific skin problems to soothe itching and provide relief. Most herbal medication is priced at around $18 and above.

One must remember to consult a veterinary practitioner before treating pets for any illness, as this is a specialized field where the life of the pet may be at stake.